The Joy of Doing Things Alone

The Joy of Doing Things Alone

Recently, I have been stepping outside my comfort zone have been doing more and more things by myself. This is something I never used to do; my anxiety and shyness would hold me back.

A few months ago, however, something clicked inside me and I realized that I’ve been missing out on so much because I was too afraid to do things by myself. One day, I grabbed my car keys, set my favorite playlist on shuffle, and just started driving. I also had the support and encouragement from my friends and family to push me to take this leap.

Some of my favorite things to do alone have been to go shopping at the mall (even if it’s just window shopping), sunbathing at the beach, playing at the Disney parks, and eating fast food in my car. I’m still working up the courage to eat at restaurants by myself… but eating in my car is still so nice and comforting.

Fountain located at the mall. Anyone recognize it?

One of the spots I remember venturing alone first was a new mall in a different city. I had never been there before but I had always wanted to go to this new fancy mall. I remember being so nervous and texting my friends every second to feel a sense of comfort. I thought everyone was watching and judging me.

I walked inside a familiar store, albeit an expensive one, and just started looking at their merchandise. Coincidentally, my sister called me and I was able to shop while talking on the phone for a short while with her. This took some of the edge off and made me feel a lot more comfortable. I even saw other shoppers who were talking on their phones while shopping as well.

Chicken lunch from Lemonade! Yum!

By the end of this shopping visit, I had dropped the idea that everyone was staring and judging me. Everyone is so focused on themselves that they don’t really judge what others are doing. And even if they are judging, who cares? I was still there and had a blast just walking around and enjoying my own company.

During this solo visit, I had bought a new dress, pajama bottoms, makeup essentials I’d been low on, and lunch for myself. I felt so proud and happy— I accomplished a visit to a new mall by myself!!

There’s no stopping me now!

Another memorable visit was a quick stop to the beach after a busy day at work. It was my Friday and I knew I needed to get out of my home, even if it was just for a few hours. (When you work from home, you sometimes don’t leave the house for days if you’re not intentional with your time.) Thus, I decided to drive to the beach! I’ve been to the beach in Southern California tons of times before, but never by myself. It seemed scary… figuring out parking (I’m no expert at parallel parking), trying to avoid traffic, and of course trying to stay safe as a woman venturing out by herself. But we’re all about stepping outside our comfort zones and doing things alone this year! I can’t let a few anxieties stop me from doing something fun and for myself!

I drove to the beach and the sun had already set! Oh no!! It’s okay, there’s a pier nearby with a lot of people walking around still. I walked along the pier with one earbud in and listened to my music. Listening to my favorite songs alongside the crash of the waves beneath me was so relaxing. Since this trip, I have not known true relaxation.

I looked online for nearby places to eat and saw there was an ice cream shop nearby. I know I am lactose intolerant, but I thought cheating this one time couldn’t hurt, right? And miraculously, it didn’t! I made it past this ice cream endeavor unscathed.

I realized after I got into my car that I was nearby one of the few Southern California stores that sold a new wine I was interested in trying— Jetway! It was created by The Strokes guitarist Albert Hammond Jr. I was curious to try this drink as the marketing sold me. And I’m a big fan of The Strokes, okay?!

I drove to a neighboring city where the drink was sold and entered a store that had a wine cellar— so cool! I liked walking inside aimlessly in the cellar for a few minutes as I searched for the wine. I eventually found the wine and made the drive home a happy camper.

I picked up a box of both rosé and white wine!

These are experiences I wouldn’t have if I had stayed in my comfort zone. It’s still a little scary for me to do certain activities by myself, but I have a newfound excitement to try new things and explore SoCal alone.

Where should I travel to next?

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