Adriana Ortiz

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THANK YOU to everyone for sending their birthday wishes on my birthday this year!!!! Although I had to spend it in quarantine, I had a lot of fun with loved ones. Warm fuzzies all around.

I spent it hiking Mission Peak, the infamously difficult hiking trail in the East Bay. Don’t worry, we had face masks on and kept a large distance between us and others. I’ve never hiked it before and oh my gosh NOBODY TOLD ME IT WAS THAT HARD. We didn’t make it to the peak or the pole (my legs were SHAKING, y’all), but that only means I have to visit at some point again in the future!

The cows and wildlife were an unexpected surprise (not pictured, for privacy).

That’s the Bay Area! The East Bay, specifically. My home.

Next, we feasted on the finest birthday meal anybody could ask for: In n Out. After a particularly difficult hike, this meal was so rewarding.

Following some deep stretching and a much-needed shower, we baked a birthday cake! Funfetti, because it’s fun. And tastes good, too. Cake cake cake for everyone!

Finally, we ended the day by watching an amazing piece of American film— Knives Out. Off topic, but I must say that I love Ana de Armas’ (Marta) wardrobe in the entire movie. Seriously, if I could emulate it into my everyday wardrobe, I would.

Thank you once again to everyone who wished me a happy birthday. I remember waking up the day after to so many messages of well wishes, and they made me feel incredibly happy and loved. Y’all truly made my birthday so special and amazing.