DesignerCon 2019

DesignerCon 2019

Designer. Con. 2019. Let’s go.

DesignerCon is a convention for artists, designers, and all those who love to support art in any capacity. Here, artists and supporters gather to showcase, sell, and buy art ranging from posters, pins, stickers, toys, collectibles, plush, and clothing. This was my second time attending DesignerCon (read about my first visit here!).

Reminder for those in the back: we support small artists on this blog.

Keeping that in mind, it was a no-brainer that I’d attend DesignerCon again, as it’s location was conveniently located at the Anaheim Convention Center.

Most attendees buy tickets for all three days. I only bought a one-way ticket, which was all I needed to see the con’s offerings. The lanyard, booklet, and event map were psychedelic and cool, as usual.

There were already art pieces in the lobby, before we entered the show floor. These pieces only foreshadowed the dazzling, show-stopping, spectacular art to come.

This is the DesignerCon mascot (I think??)! He’s in a bunch of social media and promotional pieces for the convention.

Upon entering the stage floor, I was in great awe, overwhelmed and humbled by the endless rows of art booths on display. The artists themselves were sitting behind each table, seeming waiting for me to approach, ask questions, and strike up conversations with them. Although I didn’t talk to everyone (there were, like, hundreds of booths to get through), I made efforts to at least look at each booth and see what art and designs they had to share.

Consumed by all the booths, people, and artwork, I made a game plan: snake through each row of booths, and stop if something caught my eye. This was a great strategy until some displays cut booths straight in the middle, other booths were 5-tables wide, and some rows seemed to split into two. I managed as best as I could, zig-zagging every which way to see every artist and their artwork.

I tried to be respectful of artists and not take a lot of photos this time (either that or I forgot to take photos. Sorry!!). Here were some stand-out booths and art pieces I found. Unfortunately, I didn’t capture the name of all the artists. If anyone recognizes the art, please let me know and I’ll properly credit the artists! Some artists are credited and linked to their websites (click the photos to see!).

These photos don’t do the whole of DesignerCon justice. Trust me, there is artwork for everybody and anybody. I tended to sway towards Disney, feminist, cute, and minimalist artwork, framed paintings, and pins. My friends said “made sense” for me and my style.

The cool thing about DesignerCon, besides all the unique art (!!!), is all the ability to see some… familiar references…


Oh, and Bree! Yes, the BIGGEST collaboration of 2019 was the reunion of two star-crossed former co-workers and roommates. This event was also the biggest snub in media history, and the memes between the old college program roommates ensued endlessly in the group chat. It was destiny and the world almost didn’t know about it. Until this blog was published.

For those of you who remember or read about in my first DesignerCon blog, Bree was my roommate during my Disney College Program in fall of 2018, and the one who invited me to my first DesignerCon. These blogs would not be possible without her! Everyone say, “Thank you Bree!”

Like I’ve said before, we support small artists on this blog. Follow Bree and see her incredibly adorable art of her puppy Biscuit (and other fantastic works, of course).

At the end of the collaboration, some cafeteria pizza for lunch, and after some frantic wait, where was that one booth?! I want to buy their art now!, I decided to call it a day. Another beast was defeated. Another battle won.

What did I buy at DesignerCon?

This sub-title is so deceiving, and I am so sorry. Most of what I purchased were gifts for friends and family, so I don’t have them with me nor did I take photos of them after purchasing. Blogging is hard; I think of things to write about after they happen, so I don’t take enough photos. I also try to live in the moment and don’t take out my phone as often (plus, I’ve been making conscious efforts to reduce my cell phone usage).

I can tell you what I bought, but I know it’s not the same as cute and creative photos. I purchased a Homocats sweater, similar to this one, but in blue. I love how it’s unique, gets a lot of compliments, and I support an LGBTQ+ artist in the process! I also purchased a Gooseberry Designs purse for my friend, in the design of a map of Arizona (her home state). I can’t find the business card (I know I have it somewhere…) for the shop, but I bought a small portrait of Totoro for my sister.

Here are some business cards of some of the booths we visited! I highly encourage you to check out the artists and support their shops!

I also purchased a lot of the stickers shown below. The Star Wars ones were a must, as I love Star Wars and all things porgs.

That concludes my DesignerCon 2019 visit! Are you planning to go next year? What do you wish I covered more of? Let me know!

A Visit to 21 Royal, The Disneyland Dream Suite

A Visit to 21 Royal, The Disneyland Dream Suite