Some Final Thoughts… (End of my DCP)

Some Final Thoughts… (End of my DCP)

After five months— five long, sleepless,





tearful shifts,


panicking-at-work shifts, 

wishing for easy, short shifts,

praying for early shifts on the new set,

trading ugly shifts on the old set,

hanging at the parks before and after our shifts,

spontaneous trips with roommates,

movie nights with our projector, 

laying on our comforter on the floor, 

sharing spam matsubi and pre-gaming with Kool-Aid Bursts,

trips to t-t-t-t-t-t-target, 

vine and song references every other sentence, 

spongebob quotes always up our sleeves, 

 hosting Christmas dinner with fast food,


opening holiday gifts in the middle of the floor, 

we finally reached the end of the program.


No matter how many times I complain, cry, or rant about my job or the program, the end of the program is always sad. 

I cried during my last shift on my last program in 2017. I cried after I clocked out and walked out to Harbor Blvd. I cried packing up, and cried myself to sleep in the hotel room the night before checkout.

All this to say, it’s so sad having everything you grew accustomed to the last few months taken away from you. Even though I will be staying on as a regular, part-time Cast Member, my roommates, who have become some of my best friends, and many of my good friends will be gone. My apartment that we took 5 months to decorate and care for will be gone.

It’s a change, and I know changes are a part of life, but why do I have to lose those closest to me in the process?

This journey was definitely not easy. Anyone who has heard me rant late at night or after a bad day can attest to that.

All in all, I’m sad to say goodbye to my friends, but excited to finally have ended my second college program at Disneyland. I look forward to what the future holds for me. 


 Late night pictures on Main Street are always a must!


The WOD Squad! Us riding Pirates of the Caribbean! 


Once a downtown gal, always a downtown gal


I’m actually holding the Oscar that Walt Disney won!!! I was too nervous to hold it from anywhere other than the base. It’s also really heavy. 


My favorite door ❤️ 


Post-shift shenanigans


Just me and the girls!


A visit with Leah 💞 


Goofy wanted to dance with me! Such a sweetheart.


Posing with Belle by the Small World Wall


It was my first shift at the carts outside. Clearly, I was excited.


The beginning of the program celebration! I love posing with their props. 


Couldn’t have asked for better roommates! 

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