Adriana Ortiz

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I Moved Into a New Apartment!

Hey, friends! I know, I know. Where have I been??

For the first 11+ weeks of the year, I was engulfed by endless readings and homework assignments from graduate school. Just one more year, then I’m done! Then, I had two wonderful weeks off for spring break.

Except, they very much weren’t relaxing breaks for me. This week coincided with my move-in to my new apartment! Yay!!

For the past two weeks, I’ve been busy packing and unpacking boxes; cleaning and organizing all my clothes and belongings; and making phone calls to set up wifi, utilities, and more. It’s been… a stressful and exhausting few weeks. But I am almost done, and nearly fully settled in. Once I am, I will be sure to share photos and updates about my new space!

Until then, hold on just a bit longer for more blogs, photos, and more.

Thanks for your patience and continued support!
