Adriana Ortiz

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I got the Moderna Vaccine! Here’s my experience.

I decided to share my vaccine experience to produce context and hopefully peace of mind for family and friends who read my blog! I know there’s a lot of hesitation about receiving the vaccine, so here is my experience after receiving the Moderna vaccine.

Also, I wanted to have a primary source of symptoms and experiences after taking a vaccine that protects against COVID-19. I‘ve had to find primary sources in my essays throughout my educational career and thought this account could prove useful to some students. Feel free to use this post, but properly cite it! And don’t make any money off my content, please. Also, if you’re against getting the vaccine and feel the need to vocalize it— don’t! Not on this blog :-) (i already got the vaccine so what point are u trying to get across anyways? choose ur battles folks)

Dose #1

Day 1: I felt my left arm get a little sore almost immediately after getting my shot. This soreness progressively got stronger, and it was hard to lift my arm past a certain point. I am a side sleeper and definitely couldn’t sleep on my left side that night, which made me wake up a few times throughout the night.

Day 2: Arm still sore. I can do things with it, but it’s a challenge to put on a pullover sweater, for example. Also, backpacks. This day was extremely hot in OC and I had been crying that day (stress and life, man). I felt nauseous for a few hours in the afternoon. Was it the vaccine, dehydration from crying, hunger, or extreme heat? Who’s to say…

I still couldn’t sleep or lay on my left side.

Day 3: I did some cardio workouts today! My arm wasn’t as sore, but after waving them around and doing some planks, I definitely felt the pain. I had to do planks on my knees after a while to give my arm a rest. Throughout the day, I forgot my arm was even sore, showing signs that I was getting better.

Day 4: I didn’t think I was going to add this day since it’s been a few days since I got the shot. I feel no more pain or soreness, except a dull soreness when I raise my arm. I do, however, feel slight itchiness at random times, hence the need to create a day four. I don’t see a rash or anything, and I’m extremely careful not to scratch the area. I really hope I don’t subconsciously scratch in my sleep tonight.

Dose #2

Day 1: I felt some slight pain and soreness at the injection site, but I immediately started stretching my arm to alleviate the pain. About an hour after the shot I felt a little tired. Soreness wasn’t nearly as bad as the first shot and I was able to sleep fine on that side.

Day 2: Oh, man. I woke up at around 2 am with the chills. I tried to cover myself with all of my blankets to keep warm but then I’d get too hot. Cue the fever. I finally woke up around 8 am feeling awful and drenched in my sweat. There was no denying I had a fever, chills, and fatigue. I checked my temperature and it was over 100.

Throughout the day I checked my temperature and my fever would come and go. Whenever my fever went away, I tried to get stuff done like cook lunch, change out of my pajamas, shower, etc. But if I exerted myself too much, I grew tired very fast.

I took a couple of naps, watched Hulu, and even tried to write this blog post. I wrote about three words before I realized I absolutely could not muster the energy or capacity to do so.

I relied on Tylenol to lower my fever, but it didn’t get rid of the overall yucky feeling and fatigue. I just had to ride it out. Finally, I went to sleep early.

Day 3: I felt better! Normal, even. I checked my temperature and I didn’t have a fever. I had no other symptoms after day two.

The symptoms were worth it, in my opinion. The level of relief and comfort I’ve felt since receiving both doses (and two weeks post-vaccination to be fully vaccinated) is immeasurable. After a year of anxiety, stress, and trauma surrounding COVID-19, I feel such relief and content knowing myself and my loved ones are a lot safer from the virus.