Adriana Ortiz

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Life Could be a Dream: A Photo Series

I wanted to do something different than my typical storytelling blog posts. I love writing about my life in stories, but sometimes I need to change things up. That desire brought me to do this photo series, Life Could be a Dream.  

During this past month, I decided to take photos of my everyday life to show what my life looks like now. This was taken with the idea that other women (young adults, college graduates, Latinos, minimum-wage employees, part-time workers, apartment renters...) could have something to relate to and find meaning in.

It’s the little things that make you stop and think, “things are going pretty great right now.” I’ve had that idea for awhile now, that my life is pretty amazing. It’s not perfect, but at times it feels like a dream. That’s how I came up with the title of the series, also taking inspiration from the 1953 song Sh-Boom.

These photos are presented with no filter or alteration. They’re meant to be seen through my eyes. All photos were taken on an iPhone 8. Photos may be a little out of order.