Adriana Ortiz

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Yes, I go to Disney University

That’s the name of the department of the company that provides the educational component of the DCP.  During my last program, I took Leadership Speaker Series and Blended Learning series.  This time, I am taking Marketing You, as mentioned in a previous post.

The educational component is one way that sets the DCP apart from other internships.  Especially here at the Disneyland Resort.  It is required for us interns to take at least one class during our time here.  Some classes offer internship credit so that we can take those credits back to school (my school did not accept the credits last program, so that was fun).  The classes that offer school credit, such as Marketing You, have homework, presentations, and other assignments due throughout the class.  At the end of the class, I will receive a grade (it’s not going to be less than an A, of course).  Other classes that do not provide credit do not have homework.  Maybe they’ll have one or two assignments where you watch some videos at home or complete worksheets, but you are not completing them for a grade.  You only attend these classes for the educational part of you CP.  A lot of participants take these classes because they have to take one class for their Program but do not want any homework, which is understandable.  Remember, everyone has a full-time job as well.

For the Walt Disney World program, the educational component is optional.  This is likely due to the large number of participants a part of that program.  It would take a lot of instructors, training, and emails with scheduling offices to ensure all 3,000 participants on the east coast have time off of work during class times.  But I don’t know much about the WDW program.  If that’s something you’re interested, I highly encourage you to search up “WDW College Program Vlog” on YouTube, or something along those lines.

In Marketing You, I am eager to work on my resume and networking skills.  I am hoping this job will help prepare me for the professional world.